Christmas 2020

Dear PIXEL.GUIDE community, Well, by now it is safe to say that this was not a great year for travel photography guides – or indeed anyone on this beautiful and sometimes difficult planet we call home. Creative energy has suffered in the face of the constant emotional up and down of complex statistics, personal circumstances […]

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Staying Creative During the Corona Lockdown

COVID-19 is here and countries around the world are introducing increasingly restrictive measures to halt or slow the spread of the virus. For photographers (and many others), not being able to get out into the world to engage in our craft is challenging. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do within your own […]

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Photography in Budapest

I recently travelled to Hungary to research the upcoming PIXEL.GUIDE to Budapest. The full guide may take some time to complete, so here are a few suggestions to keep you going. The ancient city dates back to Celtic times, but it is its tumultuous recent history that most shapes modern Budapest. The twin capital of […]

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The perfect travel camera bag…

…sadly does not exist. There are a number of different reasons for this. First and foremost, people have different preferences or expectations. Some may prefer the rapid access offered by a sling or messenger-style bag, while others appreciate the comfort of a conventional backpack. Photographers with many different lenses may want to ensure their equipment […]

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Photographers & Gifts

Three Gifts for Photographers 1. The Gift of Creativity Many photographers go through phases in which they lack inspiration. They have the gear but it all begins to feel a little bit “been there, done that”. Why not shake things up with an affordable gift that encourages them to look at photography a new way? […]

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The PIXEL.GUIDE Equipment List

Like most photographers, we are gearheads. Like most experienced photographers, we have found the things that work for us. That doesn’t mean we won’t try out other things, it just means that we know which tools we need for our work. First off, cameras. Cliff almost exclusively shoots Canon and is extremely happy with the […]

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Introducing the PIXEL.GUIDE mini – Free Trieste Giveaway

Today we are happy to announce the launch of the new PIXEL.GUIDE mini series. To celebrate, we are giving away the very first PIXEL.GUIDE mini for free! The PIXEL.GUIDE mini series is the smaller relative of the PIXEL.GUIDES to the world’s major cities. Featuring getaway destinations around the world, PIXEL.GUIDE minis contain 10 recommendations for […]

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Welcome to the PIXEL.GUIDE!

Hi! If you’ve found your way here, you’re probably into travelling and great photos. You might be someone who doesn’t go anywhere without a ton of equipment – or you might like to travel light with just a phone and a passion for taking great pictures. Or you might be somewhere in between. Either way, […]

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