If you’ve found your way here, you’re probably into travelling and great photos.
You might be someone who doesn’t go anywhere without a ton of equipment – or you might like to travel light with just a phone and a passion for taking great pictures. Or you might be somewhere in between.

Either way, you’ve come to the right place. The PIXEL.GUIDES provide a wealth of information for photography enthusiasts about destinations around the world – researched, written and shot by photographers with an in-depth knowledge of the place you are visiting.
Whether you want to get the best possible photo of a popular attraction, capture locals going about their daily lives or go off the beaten path, PIXEL.GUIDES offer everything you need: from tips and tricks to insider knowledge, from equipment ideas to the best places to view legendary2019 photography, from great architecture to great gear shops.

PIXEL.GUIDES are produced for people who love images. We don’t do specific equipment reviews, we don’t recommend hotels, we don’t get paid for featuring anyone – and if we ever do, you’ll know about it. We are not “influencers”, just people who are passionate about photography.
One more thing: we are all about local knowledge and experience. We want to know what you think, discoveries you make and ideas you have. And we hope you share them with the rest of the PIXEL.GUIDE community. Join the online PIXEL.GUIDE platforms to exchange information or ideas and find like-minded people, great locations or new friends.
So get out there, get shooting and have fun.